Photography has taken a bit of a backseat these last few weeks while I took up Scuba diving! Over the last three weeks I have qualified as a PADI Open Water Diver. While I was waiting between dives I took a few snaps with our little digital compact and....yes you guessed it....made them black and white in Capture NX.
It's a monochrome obsession!
I have also discovered that there is actually a way to make photography an even more expensive can do underwater photography. It involves specialist waterproof housing for your SLR and some pretty amazingly engineered flash units. I don't think I'll be taking my beloved camera underwater anytime soon though having heard the heartbreaking story of one photographer who forgot to do up one of the clips on his camera housing and completely flooded his camera. £3k down the drain!
I'm looking forward to getting some quality time with my camera, but that might not be too likely since I just got a new job and have to move house by New Year. Yikes!